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AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme
FU Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26
14195 Berlin

Tel.: +49-30-838-75221
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This site is no longer maintained. You see a static copy as of April 1 2016.

Teilnehmer gesucht: Selbstorganisiertes Softwareprojekt Entrepreneurship Application

Zusammen mit der Universität Sydney und dem Department Wirtschaftsinformatik der FU Berlin soll eine Software für die Unterstützung von Gründungslehre erstellt werden. Dafür liegen erste Anforderungen vor, s.u., die noch recht unscharf formuliert sind.

In einem selbstorganisierten Softwareprojekt soll ein kleines Team von Studierenden diese Spezifikation zusammen mit den Projektpartnern fokussieren, zu möglichen technischen Realisierungsalternativen recherchieren und als Mockup oder Wireframe zur weiteren Diskussion bereitstellen.

Das selbstorganisierte Softwareprojekt ist einer tatsächlichen Umsetzung im Rahmen eines Kundenprojekts im Wintersemester 2013/14 vorgeschaltet. Es muss also bis dorthin abgeschlossen sein.

Bei Interesse oder für weitere Informationen melden Sie sich bitte bei Prof. Tolksdorf per Mail unter

Hier das Original-Anforderungsdokument der Universität Sydney.

The application aims to assist trainers with the coordination, support, delivery, measurement and management of essential business education programs targeting multiple cohorts of entrepreneurs.  We will focus programs on micro- and small-entrepreneurs and specifically seek to include women and people with disabilities, but generally target people from socially underprivileged communities with limited prior business education.  Examples of such communities and cohorts may include Asian or Indigenous enterprises.

Our programs will include a mix of learning communities, with key phrases being learning by doing, problem-based learning, communities of practice etc.  We will have a little ‘learning’ and a lot of ‘coaching/mentoring/sharing’ to shape the course.

This application will focus on trainers.  We want to simplify how we share content with them (across multiple languages and cultures).  We want to help them best manage their cohorts.  We want to assist them with their classes.  We want to be able to track their and our progress.

Education philosophy – enquiry based learning

  • We have some content, including material with an overview of enquiry based learning, case studies, lesson structures, and key mentoring requirements.
  • We want to help people to ask the right questions of the right people at the right time…
  • Material for trainers will include stimuli and concepts that facilitate learning through doing and discussing.  We want to concentrate on ‘ask, try, do, reflect’ and clearly articulate the differing implications of ‘observations, implications and opportunities’.  We have stories, experiences, open-ended questioning etc. and will form part of the content/training material created and managed centrally.


To be made available on an android tablet.  Make/model yet to be determined, but sourced primarily by price.  Hearsay regarding a $30 tablet manufactured in India is yet to be investigated to confirm appropriateness.

Required Functionality (High Level)


1)    Manage Content

i) Centrally developed training material
ii) Case study based (including photos and video diaries) linked to ‘lessons’
iii) Multi-lingual – translated in-country, only once finalised
iv) Multiple version required of similar content
v) Simple content in template style format to enable SMS to students/cohorts
vi) Track simple measurement initiatives with cohorts vs. control groups etc.

 2)    Manage Students

i) Student details (name, contact details such as mobile, business description and industry, prior learning etc)
ii) CRM – track contact with students – training sessions, onsite meetings, mentor/network sessions, SMS reminders etc
iii) SMS learnings to students – content accessed from content management system or manually created. Requires tracking in CRM.
iv) Track progress – capture longhand information as well as metrics (to evaluate our content, trainer performance, student learning outcomes and impact on enterprise and social determinates)
v) Data collection by student – learning evaluation and impact measurement

 3)    Manage Cohorts

i) Cohort details (students, cohort description, trainer/mentor)
ii) Training/meeting plan (schedule)
iii) CRM – track details of cohort sessions, outcomes etc
iv) SMS by cohort – content accessed from content management system or manually created. Requires tracking in CRM.
v) Track progress – capture longhand information as well as metrics (to evaluate cohort learning outcomes and impact on enterprise and social determinates)
vi) Data collection by cohort – training evaluation and learning outcomes

 4)    Engaged Learning (user interface to trainers/students)

This module will allow the trainer to engage students and motivate learning through interactive activities, exercise and quizzes (phase 1) and through the use of a virtual learning space which allows a student to explore a variety of topics/content in an intuitive manner, probing thought and learning in an engaging yet context specific learning environment (phase 2).

i) Phase 1: Activities and exercises

1. Offer learning and activities and quizzes
2. Capturing results for quizzes (by student)
3. Feed results back to data collection point (2v above).

ii) Phase 2: Visual aids to learning (eg: virtual house)

1. An intuitive learning space which can be used in a freehand manner lead by the student. Content should be able to be probed (retrieved) by students randomly and on an interest-basis.
2. A formal action research methodology will form the foundation for this module

5)    Manage Security

i) Manage user access accounts (for students, trainers, developers, central administration)
ii) Restrict access by user, cohort, training provider, central administration etc
iii) Country and business unit security (ie NGO’s can’t see each other’s students etc)

 6)    Intelligence & Reporting

i) Outputs will include reports and statistics (eg: attendance, usage by function, impact measurement by student, cohort, trainer, provider and country)

AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme,
Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26, 14195 Berlin, Tel.: +49-30-838-75221, Fax: +49-30-838-75220